Thursday, 11 July 2013

Making Oobleck
Oobleck is cool! You can make it by mixing corn flour and water.  If you like, you can add food colouring for affect.
We discovered the Oobleck was hard when we punched it and was soft when we gently pushed our finger in.
Mixing cornflour and water
Messy fun!

Trying to get the right consistency

Testing our Oobleck
By Patuawa and Mark

Fun with Science
Room 4 likes science because we get to do cool things like blow up balloons by mixing baking soda and vinegar.  This makes a gas called carbon dioxide and it causes the balloon to grow.

Getting the baking soda inside the balloon was tricky.
We could see bubbles when the baking soda mixed with the vinegar.
Carbon dioxide gas was formed and blew up our balloon. It was fun!
By Inverness and Sarah
Our Classroom Waka

Our classroom waka represents Room 4 working together as a team.  We are all heading in the same direction, working towards our goals. Whaea Dee is steering us from the back to make sure no-one falls out of the waka.  Every member of our class is special because we have a part to play in our learning and we can help each other.

In these pictures the boys are designing and painting the waka.

Room 4 girls created the background for our waka. 
We all wrote thought of a value and wrote it on our paddle and coloured in our bodies.  Whaea Dee took pictures of each student from the neck up, then we cut them out and stuck them to our bodies. 
Our waka is now finished and you can see it by visiting Room 4.
By Kallisto
Maths: Geometry

Angles and Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Our task was to make a house or car out of materials we had in the classroom and talk about the different angles and lines we see and how they affect our product.
 We worked in groups and had fun trying different ideas.  Ngati and Hirini made a cool car out of cardboard and Billy made an awesome house out of cardboard and ice cream sticks.  There were lots of houses that were different shapes and sizes.
Groups did well presenting their work to Mr Singh and Mr Maddox.

By Taaria and Kadison 

Welcome to Room 4
We are a fun bunch of kids made up of 9 boys and 15 girls.  During Term 2, Whaea Dee joined our class and is our current teacher.

 Room 4 students really like sport such as rugby, netball and soccer.  Most of us play some sort of sport on the weekend. Our favourite subjects are PE, Art and Science because we get to play and have fun. 

We enjoy learning when we have turns at being the teacher and running parts of our lessons.
We hope you enjoy our blog!

Matariki represents the Maori New Year.  Matariki is a cluster of thousands of stars but only seven of the brightest stars can be seen by the naked eye.  If you look towards the north eastern sky at the end of May and throughout the month of June, you will be able to see the Matariki constellation. 
Many people celebrate Matariki and in different ways.  Room 4 celebrated the Maori New Year by making traditional Maori kites from toetoe and weaved nikau leaves and decorated them with sea shells and feathers.  Kites were used for many things like sending messages, entertainment, showing off skills and warning people of enemies coming.


We had heaps of fun making our kites.  These are some of our results.
By Dana Scott


Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Planet Earth, Space and Beyond

During Term 2 we have been exploring planet Earth and our solar system.  Here are some of the some pictures of the work we have done.
Room 4 making paper mache planets.  We liked getting messy, it was fun covering our balloons with newspaper and glue.

Painting our paper mache planets was fun.  Some of us mixed colours to get the shade we wanted.
This is the result of our planets. We think they look really cool!
By Billy and Te Uira