Thursday, 5 June 2014

Technology/Enterprise: Our Star Wars Arcade Game

How to make a Star Wars Arcade Game.

Cardboard, egg carton, string, scissors, stapler, cellotape, newspaper, vivid.

1. First cut the cardboard sides out of the box.
2. Get some pieces of string cut at different lengths.
3. Make alien war ships out of cardboard and write the number of points on the back of them.
4. Tape the string on the back of the alien ships.
5. Next, staple the string with alien ships to the to top of the box.
7. Tape the egg carton to the inside of the cardboard box.
8. Roll newspaper into balls.

Now you have your very own Star Wars Arcade Game!

How to Play:

1. Player 1 stands behind the one meter mark.
2. Player 1 aims the newspaper ball at the alien ships and throws.
3. Player 1 continues until all balls have been thrown.
4. Player 2 writes down and adds the points together.
5. The player with the most points wins.


Good players can move behind the two metre mark and younger players can move closer.

By Charles and Braxton

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