Kia Ora Koutou! I'm Essica and this is my autobiography. Read on to learn about my interesting life and fascinating facts about myself.
I was born in the friendly and caring Kawakawa Hospital, with a brother, nana, papa , cousin, and last of all, my father, watching me be born. This was on the eighth of the twelfth, two thousand and four.
When I was two years old, I loved to play outside and always got dirty. I still love playing outdoors, especially climbing trees. Did you know I broke my arm once because I fell out of a tree?
At three years old, I started Kindergarten at Mokopuna in Moerewa, then started Kawakawa Primary School when I was six years old. I eventually moved to Pakaraka School have been at this school for three years. I have two years to go until I go to College! HORAY!
When I grow up I want to be a veterinarian, so I can help sick and injured animals get better because I love pets. I just can't resist cute animals!
By Essica
Hi essica how you like autobiography me vaughn comment on ohaeawai school vaughn